SBS at the Autism Superhero 5K WALK, RUN & ROLL
April 23, 2022 at Polar Park in Worcester, MA

This event was organized by HMEA's Autism Resource Central
Making a difference for thousands of families impacted by autism.


Dear Families & Staff:

Our most important goal and duty is to keep all our clients and staff safe throughout these uncertain times. We have been continuously reviewing the information on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and MA Department of Public Health concerning the type of care that we provide and the appropriate measures that should be taken given that our care meets the thresholds for medical need. These health departments have communicated that home-health care such as behavioral health care is part of the essential services that should continue to be delivered during this time of social distancing. 

We are encouraging families that have immunocompromised family members and/or family members over the age of 60 to implement strict social distancing and sanitation measures or to suspend services during this time. We want to support our families as best we can to make the best choice for their family. 

SBS management absolutely respects and supports the difficult, complex and hard decisions that all of us are having to make currently. It is quite understandable that not everyone will agree with our choice at this time to continue to provide care. However, we also strongly believe that for many of our families and clients, our work and care is a critical life-line that has a significant impact on their lives, and we feel compelled to continue to provide that care. 

Please read and follow diligently all communications sent to you regarding health and hygiene, as it is critical that each person does their part to keep everyone around them safe. We will provide a safety list to be used before each client session. We are actively working to provide our staff with additional supplies that will help keep them and their clients safe and healthy. 

Olta Kodra 
Executive Director